29 August 2008

A few instructions

Hey people,

I wanted to make a few things clear. Do use labels when you post. This would make the blog look more organized and retain the theme thing we decided on. So the themes and hence the labels would be:

-Gluttony (Would contain anything related to food and eating)
-Globe trotting (Places,monument, travel,cities,malls.... u get the idea right?)
-Geeky rhythm (Books, Academics, movies,music etc)
-Oh news (Politics, Olympics, Sports, personal news if u like, announcements)
-Think Tanks (Thoughts)
-A million words (Picture of the month)

You can surely cross label your posts across these labels.

Shortly after two new members join in I will introduce all of them.

Till then. Happy blogging.
Oh ya this is final no comments about changing labels will be accepted :P The era of Hitler's over here hath come Rafiki ;}


Sleepyface said...

and you think nobody notices when you introduce a label called "competisan" which is, thankfully, in Greek. If it was in latin, I wouldn't even have known! Ugh.

Rafiki said...

Just when I thought it had escaped unnoticed! Dang. What would we do without people like you. Sarcasm would have died long back.