15 March 2009

Why do you seek categorization?

Is it to keep like things together (inclusion)? Or is it to keep unlike things away from each other (exclusion)?

If you seek exclusion, then, you are progressing towards a goal and don't want to waste your time unnecessarily on things that are not related to the goal and hence, you are excluding.

If you seek inclusion, then, you could be exploring options in order to set a goal, which you don't know or haven't been able to arrive at earlier. Or, you could be plain confused and don't know where to go and hence are collecting information from every place possible and hope to act on it.

Categorize to "Exclude", if you want to go ahead. Categorize to "Include" if you want to ponder.

For example, I cannot the amount of information a person following 356 people in twitter and having a reading list which generates about at least 100 unread items per day. Add to this, emails and links being suggested in twitter.

How much of this information is really useful? How much of this can actually be read? I can categorize by labels like sports, entertainment, tech, blah. But, what is the whole point?

(cross posted on tangents)

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